
Purchasing that Refurbished IBM System Storage and that Refurbished Dell Server Not Only Saved You Money, It Reduced the Carbon Necessary to Manufacture New Ones

5th May 2014

Purchasing that refurbished IBM system storage and that refurbished Dell server not only saved you money, it reduced the carbon necessary to manufacture new ones. The next logical step in an effort to steer your company green is to utilize refurbished computers, tablets and other necessary electronic devices. Here are some other ways your company can contribute to a greener planet.

Your company has embraced the use of refurbished electronics, now it is time to return the favor. That is, collect the latest electronics from your workplace and either donate them to charities or discover a non-profit in your area that can use them. It sure beats filling up the dump with them, and it will make everybody in the company feel a little better about themselves.

At the end of the day, don’t just walk away from your computer, take that small step and shut it down completely. This may seem insignificant, but if even half of the workforce who utilize computers did this, it would save millions in energy costs.

Do you don a parka when entering the server room? In order for a server room to properly function, it doesn’t have to be near freezing levels. Take that thermostat up a few notches. We promise your servers won’t melt and you will benefit from the energy saved.

If you need to have a discussion with a co-worker, don’t do it through Google chat or email. Simply lock your computer, walk down the hall and greet them with a smile and handshake. Good old fashion face-to-face conversation is still a viable way to communicate. You should try it sometime.